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How to add Password to server

Before following these steps, make sure to stop your server first. This is to avoiding breaking anything on your server while you edit. 

Step 1:
Head to your game panel and look for your file icon on the left hand side.
// AddPhotos photosto be added on AH 2.0

Step 2: When you are in you files, scroll down until you see a file named: serverconfig.xml
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Step 3:  Open the file and look for the line that says: <property name="ServerPassword" value=""/> . After you find this line, you just need to change the "ServerPassword" to whatever you want to set you server password too.

Make sure to save before exiting the file.

//AddPhotos photosto be added on AH 2.0

After Completing these steps, go and restart your server and now it will be password locked.
//AddPhotos photosto be added on AH 2.0